The Great War Western Front 2023 Ultimate Strategy Game

The Great War Western Front 2023 Strategy Game That Combines Turn-Based Combat

The Great War: Western Front is a strategy game that combines turn-based combat with real-time combat. The scene of action is the fields of the First World War. Developed by veterans of the genre from the studio Petroglyph Games, who previously released the Command & Conquer series. The publisher was Frontier Foundry.

To ensure the highest possible level of realism, the company collaborated with the War Museum in London. Players will take part in the battles and get to the Western Front, where they can choose the side of the conflict – the troops of the Entente or the Central Powers. The release will take place in 2023 and only on PC.

"The Great War Western Front 2023"
The Great War Western Front 2023

The Great War Western Front 2023 Plot

Events unfold at the turn of 1914-1919. During the First World War, the Western Front became the main site of fierce fighting, and as soldiers of that time, we will have to experience the full horror of war. Before the game, we are given the opportunity to choose a side and go to the fields of key battles to change history or stick to historical events.

The Great War Western Front 2023 Gameplay

During the passage, players will watch what is happening from above. The gameplay is divided into two parts. The first is the command of all the soldiers and the development of a strategic plan. Subsequent turns allow us to send soldiers into battle, develop new technologies, supply troops and distribute available resources across the front line.

In the second, you can take direct control over the commander, stand side by side with the soldiers, and rush to the attack. During real-time duels, we control the army, dig trenches and storm enemy positions or defend against enemy counterattacks.

"The Great War Western Front 2023"
The Great War Western Front 2023

There is a dynamic change of weather here, so most battles will take place not only under the scorching sun, but also during heavy rain or a snowstorm. Weather conditions greatly affect the work of artillery and the speed of movement of the army.

Therefore, adjust your tactics to external factors. In addition, during the battles, the appearance of locations will change. After artillery shells, craters remain where you can hide. Mud will not allow tanks to move deep into enemy positions.

Among the units, there are infantry, artillerymen, and tankmen. As you progress, players will receive new weapons, such as gas, thanks to which you can change the further course of fights. Each of the factions has its own strengths, which should not be forgotten.

"The Great War Western Front 2023"
The Great War Western Front 2023

Modes and technical aspects

The game has both an extensive story campaign and single battles. Also, the authors added to the game a mode similar to the royal battle. You can also play the multiplayer module against other players. In terms of graphic style and design, characteristic “dirty” tones and colors prevail, conveying the terrible atmosphere of the Great War.

The Great War Western Front 2023 Trailer

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