Here Are 20 Indoor Games That Will Keep Kids (& You) Happy And Active

On a cold or rainy day, here are 20 indoor games that will keep kids (& you) happy and active—no TV or computer games required.


Is it going to be another drizzly and chilly day? We see you over there: restless children squirming on the couch, the ticking clock a little slower than usual, and you’re bored. You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got you covered with this list of best indoor games you have not yet tried yet.

"indoor games"
indoor games

1. Games that require the use of a paper – and – pencil


We’ve produced a list of indoors pencil-and-paper games which outshine television, ranging from Battleship to Sprouts. Check out our list of the best pencil-and-paper games with your pencils and paper.


2. Establishment


This does not require the use of a high-priced construction set. Popsicle stick villages, card towers, or even block buildings, as well as inside forts built of boxes or pillows, will serve. If you want be competitive, the person who builds the tallest edifice comes out on top.


3. Mama the Magician (or Papa)


For your kids, be your own Harry Houdini—minus the locks, chains, & water tanks, of course. Shuffle the cups and toss a coin into one of the three cups. Then ask your children to guess which cup holds the coin. Set the cups towards the table’s edge & drop the penny there if you want to be sly. As soon as your kids realise the coin has vanished, their cheeks will light up with joy!


4. A deck of cards


Card games are great for engaging young minds and offering indoor amusement for hours. Try out some of our favorites traditional games with a deck of cards.

"indoor games"
indoor games

5. Conundrums are a type of conundrum.


A good puzzle will keep your creative, cognitive, & problem-solving muscles in shape. You can either buy a fully prepared version or have the kids make one themselves. Make a picture on a firm piece of cardboard and Bristol board with your children. Trace the puzzle pieces into their drawing with a pencil. Cut out the parts with a good pair of scissors, mix them up, & start solving. Indoor crafts and activities bundled into one!


6. Make a balance beam of your own.


While you’re at it, make your own balanced beam out of masking tape. We all know how much kids like to walk in straight lines whenever they can. Play some music and have the kids take turns putting one foot over another, one at a time, from across straight line of tape. Allow the kids to go backwards or balance on one foot when on the line to make the game more difficult.


7. Hide and Seek is an enjoyable game to play.


Isn’t it true that without Hide & Seek, no list of indoor games would’ve been complete? One player (referred to as “It”) closes his or her eyes & counts aloud while the other players remain hidden in this traditional game. When “It” has finished counting, he / she sets out to find the hiders. The last “It” to be discovered is the next “It.” Warning: you will almost likely laugh out loud when playing this game. Families with older kids may want to go a step further and play Hide & Seek in the dark. To be safe, make sure there are no loose items on the floor. If you choose, “It” can carry a light or turn on the lights once “It” finishes counting.

"indoor games"
indoor games

8. Go on a treasure quest


Hidden object hunts are fun for kids, especially if there is a prize at the end. Simply scrawl your clues on bits of paper and then let you imagination soar. Insert the first clue. Put the first clue somewhere easy to find, like your child’s snack or cereal bowl. Then scatter as many clues as you would like throughout the house, establishing a trail that leads to the final clue. Instead of a prize, the treasure hunt could result in a slew of coins strewn over the house. This allows the youngsters to collect all of the coins at the end of the day and deposit them into their piggy banks.


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